Blog ideas for small businesses

At Manage My Web, we are more than aware that almost every small business owner finds it difficult to come up with inspiration for blogs on their websites. We would suggest you try following our guide below:
Try to post a blog/landing page on a regular basis. The important thing is to keep it regular, so keep it realistic. For example, it is better to post one blog at the same time each month than 2-3 the first month, 1-2 on month 2, 1 on month 3 then 1 every couple of months and so on......
What we would also recommend you do is write a list of locations/areas that your business operates in and another list of services or products you prefer to carry out or sell. These lists can be as long as you like. Then each month sit down, pick one from each list a write something about them.
It doesn't have to be long, a minimum of three paragraphs will be okay. It would also be a good idea to have a photo for the blog/page. Either a photo of the service/product, or a popular landmark photo of the location.
By doing this, you will most certainly boost your site in search engines like Google. You will also have some great content to share on your social media assets.